The Executives and Entrepreneurs in Residence (EEiR) program, provides our business students with opportunities to engage with accomplished executives and entrepreneurs from the business community.

This program exemplifies the Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship's commitment to its students, as well as Nova Southeastern University's Mission and Core Values. The coaching sessions offered by our Executives and Entrepreneurs in Residence allow business students to learn about the business environment, beyond the formal curriculum and classroom setting.

EEiRs visit the Carl DeSantis building on the main campus throughout the academic year, attending prescheduled mentoring sessions with students.

Students meet for an hour, usually two-on-one with an EEiR, to discuss career goals and real-world business perspectives. Our EEiR’s also participate in special programs and panels from time to time, engaging both students and faculty and sharing their wealth of knowledge and experience. Open to both undergraduate and graduate College of Business students, the Executives and Entrepreneurs in Residence program provides a singular experience for our students as they prepare for successful business careers.

Our Executives and Entrepreneurs in Residence

  • Are highly accomplished business leaders
  • Desire a meaningful supportive relationship with the College of Business
  • Wish to offer real-world wisdom to students as a part of their involvement with NSU
  • Are interviewed about their areas of expertise and level/interest area of students they feel they can benefit most
  • Often have time or distance limitations that would not allow them to commit to ongoing mentoring of a single student
  • Are often willing to speak also to larger groups of students in classes, or to faculty groups

Meet the Executives and Entrepreneurs in Residence


Our Students

  • Are both undergraduate or graduate level; EEiR sessions are open to every College of Business student
  • May independently request to be scheduled with any EEiR
  • Also may be referred to certain EEiR sessions by a faculty member, advisor, or campus business club or program
  • In advance, supply the EEiR with their resume and their goals for the coaching session
  • Are paired with another student with complementary session goals


Scheduling an Appointment

Business Leaders participating in the Executives and Entrepreneurs in Residence Program meet with students in a small group setting in the Arlene Pecora Entrepreneur in Residence Suite, located in the Dean's Suite, Carl DeSantis Building, room 5046. Appointments are available to currently enrolled undergraduate business students as well as currently enrolled MBA students in the full-time, day program.

For questions or more information about the Executives and Entrepreneurs in Residence program, contact Katherine Eggleston at keggleston@nova.edu or (954) 262-5179 (ofc).