Hints for Institutional Review Board Application for Research with Human Subjects

You must use the new forms, old forms are not acceptable.

1. Complete the New Protocol Submission Form for Initial Review

  • All students are required to have their chairperson serve as co-investigator.
  • Please provide biographical sketches, not CVs, of yourself and all co-investigators.
  • Valid CITI completion reports must be supplied for both the student and co-investigator(s). CITI training expires three years from completion date after which, a refresher course must be taken. Please keep in mind that both you and your co-investigator(s) will need a valid CITI completion report for the duration of your field work.
  • If you are collecting data at another university (or site), that university (or site) must provide approval in writing. If required, you will also need to have your study approved by their IRB.
  • Approval is for one year, so you might as well propose one year on your form. You never know what might happen to slow down the data collection process.

2. Additional Documentation

  • We will need a copy of all survey instruments.
  • Informed consent forms, if required, will also need to be submitted.
  • If you request a waiver of consent forms, please be sure to describe your rationale. If your study is both anonymous and voluntary and presents no more than minimal risks, you most likely will not need informed consent forms. A detailed cover letter accompanying the survey instrument(s) informing participants of the voluntary and anonymous nature of the survey will be needed.
  • Certification of translation of informed consent and/or survey instruments will also be required if used with non-English speaking subjects.

3. Submit Materials

All IRB submissions to address below. Submissions will then be forwarded to the appropriate IRB representative for review.

Cheryl Roxborough, Administrative Assistant II
Nova Southeastern University
3300 S. University Drive
Fort Lauderdale, FL  33328-2004

4. Questions?

Dr. Baiyun Gong
(954) 262-8114