Consideration for Journal Acceptance Form

Faculty may petition to add a journal to the Journal Quality List (JQL) by submitting a request using the form below. Once a petition is submitted, the Research and Scholarship Committee will convene to review and vote on the petition, according to our established quality criteria adopted by the faculty (and described in Appendices A-E in the HCBE Faculty Handbook). The list is updated when new journals are approved for addition to our JQL.

Effective 10/25/2023, journals less than 15 years old will be approved for five years and then revisited. Review the list of approved journals.

I. Preliminary Considerations
Before completing this form, please do the following:

Check if the journal is listed on the most recent ABDC, AJG (ABS), Scopus, or Harzing lists. Listed journals are already accepted. If it is not listed, please proceed with your submission.

It is recommended that you first discuss a potential journal with members of your department. Indicate to what extent have you discussed the quality/acceptability of this journal with your Department Chair or Research and Scholarship Committee Representative.
II. General Journal Information
Please complete the following general journal information.
In years
Found on Cabell's?
Area of Contribution
III. Editorial Board Information
Please complete the following editorial board information.
IV. Review Process Information
Please complete the following review process information.
Publication Review Process
In dollars
V. Journal Statistics
Please provide substantiation of any of the following statistics (score AND link to the source of information). Answer "N/A" if this information cannot be found.
Provide score and link of source.
Provide score and link of source.
Provide score and link of source.
Provide score and link of source.
Provide score and link of source.
VI. Impact Ratings
Please provide substantial of any of the following statistics (score AND link to the source of information). Answer "N/A" if this information cannot be found.
Provide score and link of source.
Provide score and link of source.
Provide score and link of source.
Provide score and link of source.
Provide score and link of source.
VII. Other Factors of Consideration
Please explain other factors of consideration for inclusion on the HCBE accepted journal quality list.

You may consider such factors as: Peer and department support for the quality of this journal; Authors and their affiliations who published in this journal in the last three years: Other independent measures showing the quality of this journal; Substantiation of the rigor of this journal's review process (e.g. letter from the editor, reviewer comments) from a prior review.