Property management is complex – offering a number of challenges beyond collecting rent. Guided by industry professionals, Nova Southeastern University's property management minor program covers topics from valuation and maintenance to operations and tenant relations. This program offers you both the essential skills and industry insights needed to succeed.

You'll network with seasoned professionals, gain insight from guest lecturers, and have opportunities to participate in inter-collegiate case competitions. Gain the NSU Edge and pave your way to success in the dynamic world of property management. 


Minor in Property Management

Explore career opportunities in property management by the Institute of Real Estate Management.

Real Estate Management Minor Curriculum

Required Courses - Select five (15 credits)


(REE 3301
Real Estate Principles, Practices, and Law
/Credits: 3)
(REE 3990
Property Management Internship
/Credits: 3)
(REE 4302
Residential Property Management
/Credits: 3)
(REE 4303
Commercial Property Management
/Credits: 3)
(REE 4304
Facilities Management
/Credits: 3)
(REE 4305
Property Portfolio and Asset Management
/Credits: 3)
(REE 4306
Hospitality, Resort, Cruise Ship, and Casino Property Management
/Credits: 3)

For course descriptions, please visit Course Wizard

Current students: Please consult your academic adviser for program requirements or access SharkLink for your CAPP report. Program requirements are subject to change, and your academic adviser or CAPP report can provide you with the courses required for your catalog term.


Full-time professionals are available to discuss the minor in property management curriculum with you in greater detail. Simply call Dr. Adam Williams at 954-740-4595 or contact our Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

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