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Luis Arritola, J.D.

Luis Arritola


Adjunct Instructor


Accounting and Taxation

Luis E. Arritola, MBA, JD, CPA, is a manager in the Appeals Division of the Internal Revenue Service. He is a member of the Florida Bar, American Bar Association, Florida Institute of Public Accountants, and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Arritola's government service spans more than 39 years and has covered all areas of federal taxation, including international, large corporate, tax shelters, and estate and gift taxation.

Mr. Arritola is an adjunct professor on the faculty of Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship at Nova Southeastern University. He also served as an adjunct professor at the University of Miami's Law School and Graduate School of Business for 30 years and was an adjunct law professor at St. Thomas University's School of Law for four years. Additionally, he has served as dissertation advisor to doctoral candidates (DBA) and project advisor to LL.M. (Tax) candidates. For four years, he worked as a consulting tax law editor for CCH, Inc.

  • J.D. - University of Miami - Law
  • M.B.A. - University of Miami - Accounting
  • B.A. - University of Miami - Economics
  • B.B.A. - University of Miami - Accounting

TXX 5767 IRS Practice and Procedure
TXX 5769 Tax Research
TXX 5760 Survey of Taxation: Individuals, Entities, and Property

Luis Arritola (2009). Appeals Settlement Guidelines (several). Government Publications (), pp.

Luis Arritola (2004). Tax Settlement Guidelines (various subjects). Government Publications (), pp.

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