Our Faculty and Staff

George Hanbury, Ph.D.

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President Emeritus


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  • PHD - Florida Atlantic University - Public Administration
  • George Hanbury (2004). A "Pracademic's" Perspective of Ethics and Honor: Imperatives for Public Service in the 21st Century! Public Organization Review: A Global Journal 4, pp. 187-204.

    George Hanbury (2004). Defeating the Strong Mayor Initiative: Nine Do's and One Don't. PM: Public Management 86(4), pp. 4-6.

    George Hanbury (2004). Know Yourself and Take Charge of Your Destiny: The. Public Administration Review 64(5), pp. 566-576.

    George Hanbury (2001). Review of the Book: Taking Language Seriously: The Narrative Foundations of Public Administration Research by Jay D. White.. Administrative Theory and Praxis 23(4), pp. 644-652.