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Andrew Rosman, Ph.D.

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College Administration


H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business & Entrepreneurship

Andrew Rosman, Ph.D. joined NSU as the dean of the Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship in September 2019. Dean Rosman leads the development and enhancement of the college’s strategic initiatives, long-term planning and policy setting. He collaborates with the faculty and staff in curriculum development, institutional assessment and improvement, and cultivates relationships with alumni and donors.

Dr. Rosman most recently served as dean and professor in the Silberman College of Business at Fairleigh Dickinson University, overseeing programs at its two New Jersey campuses (Metro and Florham) and the Vancouver, British Columbia campus. He led the development of new academic minors targeted to non-business majors and new online graduate degrees. In addition, Dr. Rosman worked with faculty to create minors addressing specific industry needs and business courses tailored for the arts

Prior to joining FDU in 2014, Dean Rosman was the Dean of the College of Management at LIU Post (2012-2104) and a faculty member at the University of Connecticut (1989-2012). While at UConn, he was the founding director of the MS in Accounting Program and served as director from 1998 to 2012. In 2002, this program became the University of Connecticut’s first asynchronous online graduate degree.

Dean Rosman’s primary research focus has been on how decision makers use information with the objective of identifying ways to improve decision behavior. He has published research in the Journal of Accounting and Economics; Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance; Auditing: A Journal of Theory and Practice; Academy of Management Journal; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making; Journal of Business Venturing; Journal of Business Research; Issues in Accounting Education; Behavioral Research in Accounting; Review of Accounting and Finance; and Research in Accounting Regulation.

The United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) has recognized Dr. Rosman for developing best practices in online education (2007) and for excellence in distance learning teaching (2011) and he was awarded UConn’s highest teaching distinction, University Fellow, in 2001. He earned his BBA from Hofstra University and his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

  • Ph.D. - University of North Carolina - Business
  • B.B.A. - Hofstra University - Public Accounting

Lavoie, D., Rosman, A., and S. Sharma. 2011. “Information Literacy by Design: Recalibrating Graduate Professional Asynchronous Online Programs.” In Teaching Information Literacy Online, Eds. T. Jacobson and T. Mackey. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers.

Critical thinking supporting material for Financial Accounting: A User Perspective, by Robert Hoskin, John Wiley & Sons, 1994.

Andrew Rosman Determining Managers' Motivation for Consolidation Policy Choice. Proceedings, American Accounting Association Southeast Regional Meeting 1987.

Higher Education’s ‘Burning Platform’ – A Technology-Enabled Perfect Storm, Canrock Labs Executive Seminar Series, 2013, Long Island

Smart Sourcing Academic Responsibilities: The Future of the University’s Core Mission, 11th Annual International Smart Sourcing Conference, 2013, Atlantic City, NJ

The Role of Personality and Motivation in Professional Skepticism When Tone at the Top Varies, Bentley University Accounting Department workshop, 2011,

Teaching Teachers to Continuously Improve Online Courses and Student Achievement, 16th Annual International Conference on Online Learning, 2010,

Innovation in Information Literacy in Online Education, United States Distance Learning Association National Conference, 2010,

Ensuring Rigor, Quality, and Integrity of Online Learning, Northeast American Accounting Association Regional Meeting 2009,

Active Student-Centered Model of Faculty Development, New England Regional Sloan-C Conference 2009,

Online Education & Professional School Students: Instructional Design, Student Assessment, & Course Evaluation for Graduate Programs in Business and Law, E-Learning 2.0: The Next Generation of Online Education Conference 2009,

The Effect of Context and Individual Characteristics on the Effectiveness of Monitoring to Control Discretionary Decisions that Affect Bonus Compensation, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting 2006,

Internationalizing Teaching, Center for International Business Education and Research 2006,

Investigating Auditor Adaptation to Complexity in Task Environments: The Case of Electronic Workpapers, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting 2005,

Developing Faculty and Promoting Active Learning through Instructional Design, Colloquium on Change in Accounting Education 2005,

Investigating Auditor Adaptation to Changing Complexity in Task Environments: The Case of Electronic Workpapers, International Symposium on Audit Research in Maastricht, The Netherlands 2004,

Investigating the Role of Personality Type and Learning Style in Student Satisfaction and Performance in Online Education, Association of Accredited Online Programs International 2003,

Using Instructional Design to Differentiate UConn’s Online MS in Accounting, Association of Accredited Online Programs International 2003,

Electronic Workpapers & Auditor Review Performance, University of Kansas Symposium on Auditing Problems 2000,

The Impact of Cognitive Information Feedback on Information Acquisition Strategies and Professional Judgment, American Accounting Association Auditing Section Midyear Meeting 1998,

The Influence of Lenders’ Strategy Selection on Loan Covenant and Collateral Decisions, American Accounting Association Northeast Regional Meeting 1997,

ABO Panel: Ex Ante Research Issues Related to Financial Accounting Standard-Setting, American Accounting Association National Meeting 1995,

Cooperative Learning Techniques, Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association 1995,

The Ex Ante Role of Behavioral Research in Setting Financial Accounting Policy, Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association 1995,

Implementation of a Cooperative Learning Plan, Enhancing the Learning Experience Conference 1995,

Understanding the Going-Concern Judgment: Linking Domain Experience, Process, and Performance, American Accounting Association National Meeting 1993,

Understanding the Going-Concern Judgment: Linking Experience, Process and Performance, New England Behavioral Accounting Research Seminar 1993,

Responding to the Call for Ex Ante Research: An Examination of the FASB's Consolidation Policy and Procedures Discussion Memorandum, Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association 1993,

Evaluating and Changing Your Principles, Intermediate, and Advanced Accounting Courses: What Can You Do Now?, Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association 1992,

Further Examination of the Validity of Concurrent Verbal Protocols and Implications for a Multimethod Approach for Process Tracing, 29th Annual Bayesian Research Conference 1991,

An Experimental Investigation of Process and Outcome Relationships in Bank Lending Decisions, Decision Making, Cognitive Science and Accounting Conference 1991,

Search Monitor: A Computer-Controlled Approach for Experimental Research in Decision Making and Judgment, Decision Sciences Institute's Annual Meeting 1990,

Accounting and Reporting Issues: The Consolidation of Intercorporate Investments, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada 1984,

D. Plumlee, B. Rixom, & Andrew Rosman (2015). Training Auditors to Perform Analytical Procedures Using Metacognitive Skills. The Accounting Review 90(1), pp. 351-369.

L. Gramling & Andrew Rosman (2013). The Ongoing Debate and Direction for Future Research about the Impact of the 150-Hour Education Requirement on the Supply of Certified Public Accountants. Issues in Accounting Education 28(3), pp. 503-512.

Andrew Rosman, S. Biggs, & R. Hoskin (2012). The Effects of Tacit Knowledge on Earnings Management Behavior in the Presence and Absence of Monitoring at Different Levels of Firm Performance. Behavioral Research in Accounting 24(1), pp. 109-130.

Andrew Rosman (2011). Auditors' Going-Concern Judgments: Rigid, Adaptive, or Both?. Review of Accounting and Finance 10(1), pp. 30-45.

L. Gramling & Andrew Rosman (2009). The Ongoing Debate about the Impact of the 150- Hour Education Requirement on the Supply of Certified Public Accountants. Issues in Accounting Education 24(4), pp. 465-479.

D. Lavoie & Andrew Rosman (2007). Using Active Student-Centered Learning-Based Instructional Design to Develop Faculty and Improve Course Design, Delivery, and Evaluation. Issues in Accounting Education 22(1), pp. 105-118.

Andrew Rosman, S. Biggs, L. Bible, & L. Graham (2007). Using Active Student-Centered Learning-Based Instructional Design to Develop Faculty and Improve Course Design, Delivery, and Evaluation. The Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 22(1), pp. 57-83.

L. Bible, L. Graham, & Andrew Rosman (2005). The Effect of Electronic Audit Environments on Performance. The Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 20(1), pp. 27-42.

P. Beaulieu & Andrew Rosman (2003). How Does Negative Source Credibility Affect Commercial Lenders’ Decisions?. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research 6(), pp. 79-94.

L. Bible, L. Graham, & Andrew Rosman (2000). The Impact of Electronic Hypertext Systems on Reviewer Performance in a Due Diligence Task. Auditing Symposium XV – Proceedings of the 2000 Deloitte & Touche/University of Kansas Symposium on Auditing Problems (), pp. 164-172.

J. Bedard & Andrew Rosman (1999). Lenders’ Decision Strategies and Loan Structure Restrictiveness. The Journal of Business Research 46(1), pp. 83-94.

Andrew Rosman, I. Seol, & S. Biggs (1999). The Effect of Stage of Development and Financial Health on Auditor Decision Behavior in the Going-Concern Task. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 18(1), pp. 37-54.

R. Hoskin & Andrew Rosman (1994). Consolidation Policies and Procedures Discussion Memorandum: An Examination of the Potential Impact on Reporting Quality. Research in Accounting Regulation 8(), pp. 111-134.

D. Guenther & Andrew Rosman (1994). Differences Between COMPUSTAT and CRSP SIC Codes and Related Effects on Research. Journal of Accounting & Economics 18(1), pp. 115-128.

Andrew Rosman, M. Lubatkin, & H. O'Neill (1994). Rigidity in Belief Structures: A Within-Subject Test Using Strategic and Financial Informational Cues. Academy of Management Journal 37(4), pp. 1017-1033.

Andrew Rosman & H. O'Neill (1993). Comparing the Information Acquisition Strategies of Venture Capital and Commercial Lenders: A Computer-Based Experiment. Journal of Business Venturing 8(5), pp. 443-460.

S. Biggs, G. Sergenian, & Andrew Rosman (1993). Methodological Issues in Judgment and Decision-Making Research: Concurrent Verbal Protocol Validity and Simultaneous Traces of Process. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 6(3), pp. 187-206.

Andrew Rosman (1993). Non-auditor Behavioral Accounting Research: The Need and the Necessity. The ABO Reporter (), pp. .

Andrew Rosman (1992). FASB Statement 94: Do Lenders Contract on Consolidated Information?. The Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance 7(2), pp. 251-267.

P. Pacter & Andrew Rosman (1992). The Debate Over Consolidating Statements. Financial Executive March/April(), pp. 22-27.

P. Bahnson & Andrew Rosman (1990). The Emerging Issues Task Force: An Examination of Activities and Implications for Practice. Research in Accounting Regulation 4(), pp. 181-193.