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Yuliya Yurova, Ph.D.

Yuliya Yurova headshot


Professor - Decision Sciences


Decision Sciences


H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business & Entrepreneurship

Yuliya V. Yurova is Professor of Research Methods and Decision Sciences at the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship, Nova Southeastern University.

  • Ph.D. - University Illinois-Chicago - Business Admin/Statistics
  • M.S. - Eastern Michigan University - Computer Information Systems
  • B.A. - Novosibirsky State University - Mathematical Economics

QNT 5160 Analytical Modeling for Decision Making

QNT 5485 Data Mining and Predictive Analytics Fundamentals

Roslyn Vargas, Yuliya Yurova, Cynthia Ruppel, & Leslie Tworoger Slow Adoption or No Adoption of Human Resource Analytics among HR Professionals?: The Roles of Knowledge, Training, Attitudes and Self-efficacy. Southwest Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting 2017.

Yuliya Yurova, Cynthia Rippe, Sara Weisfeld-Spolter, & F Sussan Not all adaptive selling to multichannel consumers is influential: The moderating effect of product type and consumer planned behavior.. AMA Association for Consumer Research Conference 2015.

Randi Sims & Yuliya Yurova The Relation Between Perceived Justice and Schedule Satisfaction: The Moderate Role of Tenure. Southwest Academy of Management 2015.

Chih Ku, Myungjae Kwak, Kirill Yurov, & Yuliya Yurova A Study of the Influence of Gaming Behavior on Academic Performance of IT College Students. The Twentieth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Savannah, GA, August 2014.

Michele McGowan, Yuliya Yurova, & Siew Chan Audit Firm Size and Audit Quality in Nonprofit Hospitals: Evidence from Circular A-133 Audits. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Allied Academies International Conference, Nashville, TN, March 2014.

Sara Weisfeld-Spolter, Cindy Rippé, Yuliya Yurova, Dena Hale, & Fiona Sussan Expanding Channel Options Influence on Consumer Control in the Retail Store. ACR North American Advances 2014.

Gary Dusek, Cynthia Ruppel, Yuliya Yurova, & Ruth Clarke Analysis of Service Orientation and Employer's Service Climate in the American Hotel Industry. The 2013 Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, South East 2013.

John Sparks & Yuliya Yurova Comparative Performance of ARIMA and ARCH/GARCH Models on Time Series of Daily Equity Prices for Large Companies. Decision Sciences Institute Southwest Region Conference 2006.

Selling as an Instructional Communication Pedagogical Technique, Journal of Marketing Research Special Issue Preconference: Education and Marketing, 2019, Austin, TX

The Impact of Organizational and Supervisor Support on Turnover Intentions in Hospital Employees, Annual Meeting of the Southwest Academy of Management, 2017, Little Rock, AK

Cross-cultural Research Methodology under Complexity: A Quantitative Research Study Example, Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, 2017, Washington, DC

The Effects of Electronic Communication Technology on Job Performance in the Hotel Industry, Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, 2017, Washington, DC

Using The Sales Process as an Instructional Tool to Improve Student Perceptions of Instructor Responsiveness, Pedagogical Affect, and Likelihood to Enroll, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 2017, Coronado, CA

A Classification of Job Requirements for Data Analyst Positions: A Perspective of Employers, Annual Meeting of Southwest Decision Sciences Institute 2017, Little Rock, AR

Slow Adoption or No Adoption of Human Resource Analytics Among HR Professionals? The Roles of Knowledge, Training, Attitudes and Self-Efficacy **Best Paper in Track, Southwest Academy of Management-Federated Business Disciplines 2017, Little Rock. AR

A Sub-Regional Cultural Perspective on Hispanic Financial Planning, 2016 Summer American Marketing Association Conference 2016,

The Role of Perceived Organizational Support and Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction and Intention to Quit, Midwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2016,

Inbound Marketing: the Impact of a Firm's Visibility, Management, Active Listening and Community Building on Consumer Purchase Intention and Word-of-Mouth Marketing, Society for Marketing Advances 2016,

How Can Salesperson Connect with Customer when the Customer is Connected to the Phone, Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference 2016,

Student Entitlement, Co-Production and Student Satisfaction, Summer Marketing Educators' Conference 2016,

Does the Salesperson Have the Midas Touch? The Moderating Effect of Adaptive Selling on the Purchase Intention of the Multichannel Consumer, The 2016 American Marketing Association Annual Conference, 2016 Winter Marketing Academic Conference 2016,

Individual Adoption and Use of HR Analytics: Implications of Organizational Adoption, The 2016 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting 2016, Austin, TX

Not All Adaptive Selling to Multichannel Consumers is Influential: the Moderating Effect of Product Type and Consumer Planned Behavior, AMA/ACRA Triennial Conference 2015, Austin, TX

The Relation Between Perceived Justice and Schedule Satisfaction: The Moderate Role of Tenure, Southwest Academy of Management 2015, Austin, TX

The influence of institutional regulatory pressure on the audit quality of nonprofit hospitals, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting 2015, Chicago

A Comparison of Turnover in the Russian and US Hotel Industry, 2014 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute 2014,

Snowball sampling using social media, Academy of Business Research Fall 2014 Conference 2014,

Employee Turnover in Russian Hotels: Nationals and Immigrants, Academy of International Business-South East 2014,

Salesperson's Influence on the Global Multichannel Consumer, National Conference of Sales and Sales Management. 2014,

Expanding Channel Options Influence on Consumer Control in the Retail Store, North America Association for Consumer Research Conference 2014,

Testing Mediation Effects in PLS PM: Full or Partial Mediation?, The 44th Annual Conference of Southwest Decision Sciences Institute 2014,

Antecedents of Brand Citizenship Behavior in Retailing, The Global Branding Conference 2014,

Comparative Analysis of Service Orientation and Employer's Service Climate in Russia and the United States, Academy of International Business- South East Chapter, Atlanta. GA 2013,

The Role of Service Orientation in Job Satisfaction and Turnover in the U.S. Hotel Industry, Allied Academies 1st Annual Winter Internet Conference 2013,

The impact of internal brand marketing on job satisfaction, brand commitment and turnover intention, 18th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communication 2013, Salerno, Italy

The relationship between internal brand marketing, brand citizenship behavior and brand commitment, 18th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communication 2013, Salerno, Italy

Lawrence, E., Cadet-Laborde, F., Weisfeld-Spolter, S., Yurova, Y., Tworoger, L. (in press). Positive Affect as a Resource and the Mediating Role of Mindfulness on Employees During Times of Disruption. To appear in Development and Learning in Organizations.

Lawrence, E., Weisfeld-Spolter, S., Tworoger, L., Yurova, Y., Mujtaba, B. (in press). An Informed Practice for Leading Change Collaboratively. To appear in Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal.

Atkins, R., Yurova, Y., Gudi, A., Ruppel, C. (2022). Ambidextrous learning in buyer-supplier relationships: The role of strategic and operational information sharing. International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 15(1), 1-19.

Rippe, C., Weisfeld-Spolter, S., Yurova, Y., Kemp, A. (2021). Pandemic Pedagogy for the New Normal: Fostering Perceived Control during COVID-19. Journal of Marketing Education.

Graca, S., Barry, J., Khare, V., Yurova, Y. (2021). A Global Examination of Institutional Effects on B2B Cooperation. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 36(10), 14.

Sims, R., Yurova, Y., Zeidler, P. (2021). The importance of organisational justice on schedule satisfaction: A study of Latin American call centre employees. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 21(1), 54-74.

Chan, S., Creel, T., Song, Q., Yurova, Y. (2021). Does CSR Reporting Indicate Strong Corporate Governance? International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 29(1), 27-42.

Lawrence, E., Tworoger, L., Ruppell, C., Yurova, Y. (2021). TMT Leadership Ambidexterity: Balancing Exploration and Exploitation Behaviors for Innovation. European Journal of Innovation Management.

Barry, J., Graca, S. S., Khare, V. P., Yurova, Y. (2021). Examining institutional effects on B2B relationships through the lens of transitioning economies. Industrial Marketing Management/Elsevier, 93, 221-234.

Timothy Creel, Siew Chan, Yuliya Yurova, & Qian Song (2020). Does CSR Reporting Indicate Strong Corporate Governance?. International Journal of Accounting and Information Management (), pp. .

Cindy Rippe, Sara Weisfeld-Spolter, & Yuliya Yurova (2020). Selling-to-Teach? A Didactical Look at the Natural Integration between Teaching and Selling. Journal of Marketing Education (), pp. .

 Amit Verma, Kirill Yurov, Peggy Lane, & Yuliya Yurova (2019). An investigation of skill requirements for business and data analytics positions: A content analysis of job advertisements. Journal of Education for Business https://doi.org/10.1080/08832323.2018.1520685(94(4)), pp. 243-250.

Roslyn Vargas, Yuliya Yurova, Cynthia Ruppel, Leslie Tworoger, & Regina Greenwood (2018). Individual Adoption of HR Analytics: A Fine Grained View of the Early Stages Leading to Adoption. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 29(22), pp. 3046-3067.

Michelle McGowan, Siew Chan, Yuliya Yurova, Chunhui Lui, & Raymond Wong (2018). The Influence of Institutional Regulatory Pressure on Nonprofit Hospital Audit Quality. Journal of Governmental & Nonprofit Accounting 7(1), pp. 1-23.

Cindy Rippe, Sara Weisfeld-Spolter, Shannon Cummins, & Yuliya Yurova (2018). Congruence Between Course Modality and Professor Communication: A Study of Pedagogical Impact Using Sales Techniques. Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education 26(2)(), pp. 10-21.

John Fazio, Baiyun Gong, Randi Sims, & Yuliya Yurova (2017). The role of affective commitment in the relationship between social support and turnover intention. Management Decision 55(3), pp. 512-525.

Cindy Rippe, Sara Weisfeld-Spolter, Yuliya Yurova, Alan Dubinsky, & Dena Hale (2017). Under the sway of a mobile device during an in-store shopping experience. Psychology & Marketing 34(7), pp. 733-752.

Yuliya Yurova, Cindy Rippe, Sara Weisfeld-Spolter, Fiona Sussan, & Aaron Arndt (2017). Not all adaptive selling to omni-consumers is influential: The moderating effect of product type. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 34(), pp. 271-277.

Cindy Rippe, Sara Weisfeld-Spolter, Yuliya Yurova, Dena Hale, & Fiona Sussan (2016). Guiding when the consumer is in control: the moderating effect of adaptive selling on the purchase intention of the multichannel consumer. Journal of Consumer Marketing 33(6), pp. 469-478.

Gary Dusek, Ruth Clarke, Yuliya Yurova, & Cynthia Ruppel (2016). Employee Turnover in International Brand Hotels in Russia: A Comparison of Nationals and Foreign Nationals. Journal of East-West Business 22(1), pp. 51-75.

Mark Crowley, Yuliya Yurova, & Caitlin Golden (2015). IFRS without an International Financial Reporting Language (IFRL): Evidence of Multiculturalism and a Lack of Global Transparency in the EU. Studies in Communication Sciences 15(1), pp. 53-60.

G. Dusek, Yuliya Yurova, & Cynthia Ruppel (2015). Using social media and targeted snowball sampling to survey a hard-to-reach population: A case study.. International Journal of Doctoral Studies 10(), pp. 279–299.

Cindy Rippe, Sara Weisfeld-Spolter, Yuliya Yurova, & Fiona Sussan (2015). Is there a global multichannel consumer?. International Marketing Review 32(3-4), pp. 329-349.

Marife Mendez, Michael Bendixen, Russell Abratt, Yuliya Yurova, & Kathleen O'Leary (2015). Sales promotion and brand loyalty: Some new insights. International Journal of Education and Social Science 2(1), pp. 103–117.

Matthew Porricelli, Yuliya Yurova, Russell Abratt, & Michael Bendixen (2014). Antecedents of brand citizenship behavior in retailing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 21(5), pp. 745–752.

Gary Dusek, Cynthia Ruppel, Yuliya Yurova, & Ruth Clarke (2014). The role of employee service orientation in turnover in the US hotel industry. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communication and Conflict 18(2), pp. 87-104.

Michael Bendixen, Yuliya Yurova, Russell Abratt, & Michael Rawdan (2014). Death of a salesman: birth of a knowledge broker. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management 8(1-3), pp. 1–14.

Kirill Yurov, Yuliya Yurova, Myungjae Kwak, & Chih-Hao Ku (2014). The Effect of Psychological and Environmental Factors on Academic Performance of Video Gamers. Issues in Information Systems 15(2), pp. 393-398.

Michael Bendixen & Yuliya Yurova (2012). How respondents use verbal and numeric rating scales A case for rescaling. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARKET RESEARCH 54(2), pp. 261-282.

Kirill Yurov, Yuliya Yurova, & Mark Shanley (2011). Strategic competition in healthcare information services: an economic analysis. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management 5(3), pp. 238–250.

Kirill Yurov, Yuliya Yurova, & Richard Potter (2008). Strategic Maneuvering in Healthcare Technology Markets: The Case of Emdeon Corporation. International Journal of E-Business Research 3(3), pp. 1-13.

John McDonald & Yuliya Yurova (2007). Property taxation and selling prices of industrial real estate. Review of Accounting and Finance 6(3), pp. 273–284.

John McDonald & Yuliya Yurova (2006). Are Property Taxes Capitalized in the Selling Price of Industrial Real Estate?. Appraisal Journal LXXIV(3), pp. 250-256.